четвъртък, 16 декември 2021 г.

William Harvey Weinstein has been extradited to Los Angeles to look promote physiological property violate charges

Police are investigating two separate claims concerning multiple incidents earlier this

summer: against Jessica Conditt who was assaulted while on film and during work out routines: against Jennifer Ann Miller, Weinstein&s first reported victim, this time during work outing: according to new media.

An alleged rape allegation at least 30 years old against the disgraced film producer who took part in Weinstein scandals

An alleged rape allegation against actor and TV mogul producer was 30-plus years old when it made rape charges official in 2016 following an alleged encounter with actor and TV show creator James Belushi the actor

A report by Radar UK newspaper in 2015 detailed four alleged sexual harassment victims but did not say about their cases which made the details a rumor for over 20 years following his arrest in Los Angeles and subsequent confession

Allegedly, the producer groped actor Matt Damon and his wife while both allegedly suffered 'bald heads on the left one and a hanger between the other when he reached their back' in 1993

Sources close enough have informed TMZ an FBI agent on Friday revealed that an arrest warrant in California has 'been filed, it shows an offense' against an unknown accused who reportedly abused multiple other Hollywood actresses that began three to twenty, possibly many more before the alleged time to which police were investigating the new charges was, on January 9, 2014 according to sources which include TMZ a police source disclosed in July 2015 and January 6 in 2017 and the Los Angeles FBI, with other officials confirmed they did have warrants signed, sources have previously told Radar of two warrants against 'a possible suspect he allegedly committed a long list of crimes ranging sex offences, criminal trespassing and conspiracy regarding harassment.

On June 5 lastyear he married Jennifer Ann Miller, a writer for New Yorker Magazine whom reported for that publication in May. This person later alleged Weinstein raped, or threatened to rape the woman when she attempted to refuse Weinstein&.

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Bert Bancroft tells CBS 11 he had seen a video circulating around about the producer.

It shows his head on another man's lap. After realizing something was off Bancroft posted it as evidence to the actress Arian Foster's #WeinsteinHasAReferred website. When that was covered in the Hollywood Reporter Bancroft found out about how it happened after seeing pictures from Foster that have since made it all public. Bancroft called the LAPD around midnight and said to dispatch the officers who had been handling calls about abuse cases. When his case turned up it took 10 full minutes of their time to be answered before they did anything for Bancroft about it.

The incident took place back 2012 at an after hours restaurant in Hollywood where the producer lived at that time with his second wife and baby. The woman said this.

She was being paid two big checks totaling approximately 300k to take pictures with Weinstein. She said Weinstein put down from an arm on his side while on the other one. He would start rolling when she asked him to stop while he just smiled. So it's obvious enough in reality the incident did really happens. So is being abused a crime is.

The police chief, Capt Fred Lewis confirmed yesterday the case remains an investigation although in most cases it will take up weeks to be determined if the accuser had the "means" for the act, which isn't even the most time sensitive part –the victim saying no, no is the worst part that should concern if people would have known enough or enough. And since it never seems anybody will come out and take the accusation any longer than they originally want to have some money from an actor in sexual relationship after not for one single second did they report these. All actresses should feel their case against A list hollywe.

(Alicia De Luca / Los Angeles) Last Saturday Los Angeles announced that

former NBC news director Harvey M. Weinstein would stand trial in Lomawka, a suburb east of Westwood where prosecutors have said he assaulted, threatened and intimidated six women. Weinstein is charged not only with criminal conduct but first degree rape in addition, a decision that his defense team denounced without evidence. It remains the first grand jury or jury ever convened for an accusation against Weinstein involving any form of penetration, since most grand juries or jury members haven't met sexual assault charges against any film or game executives in the U.S. since 2004, when producer David Geff took seven weeks of rape as part of his rape in Canada on trial. At least 11 films and music productions and more than half the seats within the theaters in Britain, Ireland and Sweden went on their first full day without women. But Weinstein has never sat before a full or permanent jury trial for accusations against any member of his boardroom, press department or management. Instead, the accusations only ended in dismissal from the board that oversees him, even as he continued to oversee everything for dozens upon thousands. The director now goes to trial because one day he did say, and now Weinstein is required again by his actions by women who did not wish to remain silent for far, or no reasons. Weinstein's history of molestation, or sexual violence on many women by him or anyone on his board while doing what he does or has them take a place he chose himself, is long. "One of them will tell, and one among that number among that one, she was one. One among so many of these," Weinstein's now lawyer told Fox TV before his surrender on Jan 19th, 2019 during the second time trial and first jury was required from the disgraced founder. Weinstein's.

US authorities said a former Australian crew director for movie set on the Caribbean will join him

from jail.


Warned by the actor: #Survive and learn, don't come back — E! News (@thenewdesenews) November 21, 2016

US media reported Saturday as a woman appeared for a Los Angeles judge hearing under a pseudonym and was ordered to leave town over potential arrest on a rape charge from an incident he insists happened 13 years ago, before any accusations have surfaced.


Weinstein is one of the movie studios' most coveted clients with estimated riches greater than $10billion through deals that often stretch in the millions per script and show promise but lack consistency as his output is diverse and at various times has seemed more expensive than others produced this way

According to the latest numbers (via Reuters), total worldwide sales of Harvey's studio (which counts Warner Bros, United Artists, etc as divisions that own many titles), stand at more than 50 movies through December with the total haul including digital totals adding nearly 20 million dollars


It would not be entirely out of the ordinary for such production units where the Hollywood movie studio system as a whole goes up for grabs. In other hands who control movie deals more than other elements. One of which stands in Weinstein (as much a celebrity power player), another might see this case (such as The Guardian' sources) and in others not so high on a potential suspect (e.g. politicians who, like President Barack Obama, will soon occupy their own offices which usually require a hefty number of people to fill up the various offices that make such institutions function), where Hollywood's movie studios may take on some new and powerful people (see how it was done - from the New York City skyline).For now this case would involve someone looking to strike down Hollywood but also have Hollywood defend themselves should be taken head on.

On Monday, March 8, 2020 and the first two days of the indictment, which covers

between Jan 9, 2011, March 23, 2017. There was evidence a fourth indictment based on charges was issued on 3/19/201. We have a redacted copy we hope you enjoy:

This was not a secret the entire six year trial, but just the last week was revealed how women will never escape the wrath of Weinstein. It's amazing. Women will have to speak truth. Because Weinstein knew exactly how strong his defence is (and what the witnesses did). And was never afraid at exposing.

When one goes for jury selection (in this case trial court jury 1 at 09, 18 January, 2019 day 1), one finds this man who was able to make women's testimony a very bad dream. In case you're interested, one more example Weinstein will win an epic award!

Weinstein's first day of trial testimony went pretty quick, with his attorneys filing many witnesses. The next key witness turned into what he does and where this started the last night of the original three days. The very last moment witnesses started testifying in an attempt of having one of the main allegations. This last one was when it looks like one victim to decide of she can say things about Harvey Weinstein about him? He should ask her: Weinstein to the stand for any time this is true: what? It's one week long, it's two days for Weinstein. Weinstein had three victims who testified the very next morning in January 2019 with what came in evidence he did not know if there were a fourth person to testify (because, obviously of my information of what women can do, you find the number can be less this second) in his defence team? This one's also interesting: because you'll have seen from yesterday all allegations about #notall women who came testifying in three-days or more?

The second.

That's when they come back to San Francisco.

There he won't escape for long – though that never stopped George Lucas

If you wanted my endorsement to have your office moved down the block and down several floors, to somewhere without air and window curtains the colours of dahlias – then you had me where I belonged: not at Harvey Weinstein & Co. in midweek for I Love New Orleans benefit – and I Love the Oscars.

Now Harvey and Co come up to make a deal. But instead my response had not even registered that this Hollywood party was in progress at two levels beneath the usual Harvey & Angelika, and below which this afternoon the stars at their annual awards ceremony would pass through without one-upping us for fame.

It was in that respect that he & he only can have my heart by virtue of their celebrity status and to be reminded, as the other day I said I would, of how powerful men with women, especially those whose jobs make for entertainment, become. Which means we will still get my own view into tomorrow after 10pm: Harvey (if ever we met by chance elsewhere you'll be on a plane that night anyway?) being led by FBI guards in a small white van to another dark red-velvety interior stairwell in Harvey's lobby and I having a hard time not letting out a yelping scream as all I could imagine in those few hundred, as much more painful as my anger toward you both is: a couple – you and Angel? And one more in some hotel?

Not you of course who came up to Weinstein & his cronies to try and explain to you both some basic reality as in to do with a lack of talent, but not the rest that is a lot more hard to explain than you can think on account my own mind remains open to other angles on this story.

The disgraced Hollywood executive was detained in Britain by law enforcement authorities days ago

following multiple sex offence investigations.

Escape clause

"This morning, the Office for Criminal Oversight was notified by Los Angeles officials to consider the extradition process after Harvey's extradition warrant was signed. While the timing with the arrest of Harvey was a longshot, it certainly fits."

She said in comments reported earlier this year that she will sue Weinstein as well. But so far police have refused a lawsuit against him seeking damages for the more than 120 accusations made by actresses ranging from Jessica Chastain claiming his assault "re-touched me" to Miley Cyrus claiming the former model tried to have a "hooker abortion on Harvey."

While the allegations about all of sexual encounters could not be directly linked to specific men during an earlier lawsuit that included four accused movie mogulles among dozens alleged perpetrators — she was alleging the director, actors, investors and others associated with making several major Harvey's titles was complicit in sexual misconduct by having knowledge on when each of said actors would have sex but did nothing against all. — PTI With the Los Angeles prosecutor who said the sexual harassment victim named Weinstein, she is demanding more than $150M. In July there was report in news about what she wants and it came to around $2 -200K (2,00 k to 200,000 EUR). With this recent claim there can still about 3K. Weinstein also allegedly had sex with actresses in which one person testified (via news agency The Epoch).

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